Application is now open!
The course is limited to 32 participants. Interested persons must apply to attend the summer school. The application includes the description of their research project and motivation statement (max. 300 words per topic). Applications will be reviewed by members of the training work group. Participants will be selected based on the score of the reviews. A distribution across countries and groups is also taken into account for the selection. Please be aware of potential visa issues in time!
Please use the provided templates to prepare your application. Download the template here: Word file or here: PDF file. Save as PDFs and upload the application form via this link.
Registration is only possible with a successful application!
Special reduced fees will be available to members of EUROoCS.
The EUROoCS annual membership invoices have been sent. To benefit from membership discount, please make sure to pay your invoice before registration is opened!
No EUROoCS member yet? Please first register as a new member and benefit from discount for the EUROoCS 2025 summerschool.
EUROoCS members: €750
Non-society members: €850
Note: Please note that registration to the summerschool is personal and binding. Registrations are neither refundable nor transferable to another colleague, for non-attendance or any other reason. This also implies also visa issues.
Note: Shared rooms (four beds / room) are provided for participants from Sunday, September 14th to Friday September 19th, 2025 (5 nights) with breakfast and lunch at the Youth Hostel Tübingen. Participants may choose to stay in their own accommodation, but the Summer School fee will not be reduced.
Social Events
• Summer School Dinner in the local Brewery ‘Freistil’
• Punt boat tour on the Neckar river
• TATAbox Games night