Dr. Dan Huh is Associate Professor in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a pioneer of organ-on-a-chip technology, and his research group at Penn focuses on developing microengineered models of human physiological systems for biomedical and environmental applications. Dr. Huh has won several honors and awards including the PCI Inventor of the Year Award, the Bernard Langer Distinguished Lectureship, Lush Prize, the McPherson Distinguished Lectureship, CRI Technology Impact Award, John J. Ryan Medal, Design of the Year Award and Best Product of the Year Award from London Design Museum, NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, Analytical Chemistry Young Innovator Award, TEDx Fellow, NC3Rs Annual Award, Lifetime Membership from MOMA, SLAS Innovation Award from the Society for Lab Automation and Screening, Scientific Breakthrough of the Year Award from American Thoracic Society, Best Publication Award from the Society of Toxicology, Wyss Technology Development Fellowship from Harvard, and Distinguished Achievement Award from Michigan.