July 01, 2019 Events

Call for proposals for WC11 sessions deadline extended


The International Scientific Committee for WC11 has been formed and had its first brainstorm meeting just before Christmas last year. The four themes Safety, Disease, Innovative technologies and Ethics, welfare and regulatory affairs were discussed, resulting in an extensive list of topics per theme. Among the many topics are (multi-)organ-on-chip, the virtual human, stem cell technology and tissue engineering, responsible research, medical devices, vaccine testing, new generation disease models, computational toxicology as well as training and community building, regulatory issues, ethics and animal welfare and many more.

Call for sessions

For the scientific program your input is still very much appreciated. We cordially invite you to send your specific suggestions for symposia, workshops, round tables or other sessions through the application form that is now available until July 9, 2019.

A session might be a symposium, workshop, roundtable or otherwise.

Deadline for submission is 9 July 2019.

Read it all in the latest newsletter of the 11th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (WC11) in Maastricht, the Netherlands, on 23-27 August 2020.


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