Heleen Middelkamp

Heleen Middelkamp PhD. is the support coordinator for EUROoCS. Furthermore, she works at the University of Twente in Enschede as a research assistant for the Dutch hDMT consortium.

Heleen obtained her BSc. Biomedical laboratory research at Saxion University of Applied Sciences in Enschede. Her BSc. thesis was performed at the University of Iowa (US) and was focused on measuring the in vivo effects of a new anti-cancer compound. Her MSc. in Health Sciences was obtained at the University of Twente, where her Master thesis was focused on the possibility of improving the drug development process using Organs-on-Chips. After graduating, she started at the group of prof. dr. Andries van der Meer as a researcher where she combined both her research programs and incorporated MCDA models in the development of a thrombosis-on-a-chip model. She then proceeded in the collaborative TURBO project together with the Radboud University Medical Center and which involved differentiating cells in a microfluidic platform with the intention to develop a blood-brain-barrier-on-a-chip model.

Her PhD thesis was performed at the BIOS lab-on-a-chip group at the University of Twente, under the supervision of prof. dr. ir. Albert van den Berg and prof. dr. Andries van der Meer. During this period she was part of the Netherlands organ on chip initiative (NOCI). She defended her PhD thesis titled: Microfluidic vessels-on-chips for vascular disease modelling’ in September 2023.